Tag Archives: auto-close

Time Out a Message Dialog – Auto Close a Dialog Window After Some Time / Seconds

messagedlgtimed Users do not read dialogs. They. Do. Not. Neither do we developers (admit it). Dialogs are scary things that pop to the user asking to make some kind of selection / decision. Users mostly simply click the little [x] button and hope no further questions would be raised. Regression: do you know what happens in your code if you display a [Yes|No] dialog and the user closes it by clicking on the [x] button?

Among various types of dialogs (and the information inside) you present to the user, be it a warning, error or information, one type actually requires no user input. Such dialogs are those displaying only the OK (or any single) button. It is questionable should you even have a dialog stating something to the user where the only possible user action is to click on the only button (+ the [x]) displayed by the dialog. Anyhow, I’m certain you have (at least I do) lots of those (…,mtInformation, [mbOk], …) scattered around your code.
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